Bayview Travis L53 was purchased at the 2017 Belmore Invitation Sale at Naracoorte. He was the top priced Bayview and the second top priced bull overall.A beautiful slick coated dark roan, Travis is described by his breeder, Chris Thompson, as an ‘outstanding sire prospect’ with stud sire potential and ‘tremendous carcase shape and depth of body’. He has a wonderful temperament, top line and feet.
Travis has excellent EPDs with good growth, carcase weight, marbling and fats He also has moderate birth weight figures and we used him successfully as a heifer bull.
We think he is perfectly positioned to produce high performing steers for the top end Thousand Guineas Shorthorn branded beef feedlot market.
Travis presents a genetic outcross for us through his sire Ronelle Park Hurricane.
Used in the Bayview stud herd before purchase, Travis sired quality bulls there. All were in the Bayview Sales team with the first selling for $6000 before the Naracoorte Sale. He still has progeny in the Bayview herd.
We are excited about the contribution this bull made to our herd. Several of his sons are now earning their stripes in our herd.