Yamburgan Zeus is a fine dark red bull used heavily in the Yamburgan herd.
He has a real sire's outlook and has the versatility to be used over both cows and heifers. He is a heifer's first calf and his dam is continuing to breed very well for Yamburgan.
Zeus's progeny have had great success in carcase competitions as he has sired many champion carcase steers for Yamburgan. His progeny are excellent yielding cattle with perfect fat distribution. Like Zeus, they are moderate, easy fleshing cattle with good growth.
His bulls were eagerly sought in the 2013 Yamburgan Sale. A son, Yamburgan Zeus H140, has been used with great success in the Yamburgan herd and also in the Toogimbie herd.
The Manchees recommend him for 'increasing scrotal size, carcase weight and maternal traits'.
Zeus is a trait leader for scrotal size and 200 day weight.